Bob Lynch Wine Dinner

STORYTIME Once upon a time, in 2006, the Arizona Department of Liquor Licensing and Control sent notice to all wineries (there were about a dozen at the time) letting us…

Willcox Wine Country Bundle

The Willcox Wine Country Bundle Just $75 – Includes (scroll down for individual ticket links): 1 Willcox Wine Country Passport 1 Ticket to the May Festival 1 Ticket to Your…

The Results Are In…..

Willcox Wine Country continues to be the premier wine growing and making region in Arizona. The recent San Fransisco Chronicle Wine Competition Results were release last week and Willcox AVA…

Bodega Pierce Recognized as Hot Brand

From Bodega Pierce 2018 Chardonnay: Family Winery Finds Success and Happiness in Arizona Wine Hot Brands 2020 by Erin Kirschenmann February 24, 2021 Ask the Pierce family of Willcox,…

Willcox Wine Festival Update

We know many of you have inquired about the October Wine Festival (Oct. 17/18). We wanted to wait until we have definitive answers, but feel we need to update you…

Harvest Has Started!

Sports teams have playoffs. Students have finals. And for winegrowers, the big sink-or-swim moment—the event the whole year’s efforts have led up to—is harvest. The period culminating in grape crush…

Rescue Arizona Wine trapped in a Bottle!

Great video from Arizona Farm Bureau and Julie Murphree (Click for more videos) What is your favorite Willcox Winery and Wine? Leave your answer in the comments.

Welcome to Willcox Wine Country

ABOUT COCHISE GRAHAM WINE COUNCIL, INC. | dba WILLCOX WINE COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP: Willcox Wine Country Partnership is a consortium of Arizona Farm Wineries located in Cochise and Graham Counties in…