Willcox Wine Festival Update

We know many of you have inquired about the October Wine Festival (Oct. 17/18). We wanted to wait until we have definitive answers, but feel we need to update you now.

We have been moving forward with application and licenses with the City of Willcox. We have had a number of conversations and meetings with them to lay out how this festival will look compared to previous festivals. They have been very supportive and have endorsed us having the Fall Festival.

At the state level, where we get our liquor licenses, there is not as much clarity. We have talked to the Department of Liquor and letters have been sent to the Governor, his staff and Cochise Legislative Representatives. At this time, 9/15/2020, we do not have the green light to go ahead. We are hoping they will have a chance to review our readiness plan and research Cochise County and Willcox statistics on Covid-19 this week.

We miss seeing everyone and can’t wait to be able to put on our festivals! Please help our Willcox Wineries out and pick up a bottle today. Ask for their wines at your favorite liquor retailer or restaurant.

We will be posting updates on our website and Facebook as soon as we have more information.

Once we have the go-ahead, we will activate Eventbrite for you to purchase tickets.
Cheers and Thank You for your Understanding!

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